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energy healer, entity removal, spirit attachment removal

Healers, Shaman For Spirit Attachment, Evil Spirit Removal

Tell us about Healers who’ve been successful with the difficult cases

Our website traffic has doubled since the beginning of August.  I’m not sure why.  With that has been a number of requests from people in dire need of help.

So I’m creating this page to invite people to tell us if you’ve found a healer that was able to remove your difficult entity problem. In the comments below, tell us about any healer, or healers, that you’ve had success with.

I’ve known many people who have gotten sessions with 50, 80, 100+ healers before finding one that can help.  Their stories of suffering are incalculable.

This is a big part of the reason for this website, to find a more reliable way to clear entities.  Especially the difficult ones.  This is something that needs to happen and the world is desperate for.

I will add, that even if the most effective machine for removing spirit attachments is developed, good healers are still needed. 

About Healers who do Evil Spirit, Negative Entity Removal

energy_healer_spirit attachment removal, entity removal

This guy just got back from the beach and is ready to clear some spirit attachments out.

Being a Healer / Shaman, is one of the most important jobs in the world.  There are some amazing healers working hard to make the world a better place.

Also, different healers are more effective for different kinds of entities.  Some are more effective than others, and unfortunately, some people advertising as healers are not healers at all.  I think those are in the minority.  More commonly though, are healers that are not able to clear the difficult cases, but …they seem unaware of this.

We’re hearing the same things from from a lot of people with the very difficult to remove entity problems.  People who are getting sessions with dozens of healers, to find one who can clear what they have.  Healers thinking they’ve remove things they haven’t, and healers not able to see the especially difficult entities.

Some have done it, but very few healers are able to remove the really difficult cases.  Many are not able to see they very difficult ones, and worse, they are not aware they are not able to do this.  The more “advanced” entities tend to be skilled in creating illusions that remote healers cannot see past, and tricking Psychics, Mediums and Healers, with a variety of methods.

As one person put it “Its a serious problem within a serious problem.”

This problem affects practitioners both in person and remotely, but usually more so remotely.  If the healer works with spirits that help them do clearings, with these clients, they start getting false information from these spirits.  Or, spirits who pretend to be those spirits.

Perhaps, the remote healers are so used to getting accurate information, they don’t believe they could be getting wrong information.  I suspect these people are working with what I call controller class spirits, that often do false trust building experiences with the healer, so they end up trusting the spirits no matter what.

I’ve been to training classes given by certain spiritual schools, where the teachers will tell stories, in which they were tricked or lied to by these spirits, but later say their spirits never lie to them.  It completely escapes them what is going on.  That’s a whole topic in itself.

We hear from a lot of people with difficult cases, and we’re seeing the same problems happen.

  • Multiple healers getting the same false information.
  • Every healer someone goes to tells them something completely different.
  • Getting the same 5 or so common (inaccurate) reasons its “you’re fault” in rotation.
  • Many healers giving you the same unsuccessful generic advice that doesn’t work, in rotation, after their session didn’t work.

Sometimes people are told things from the healer after an unsuccessful session, advice that only works on the easy-to-mid level entities.  Not the advanced ones.

  • “Burn such and such herb and it will go away”
  • “Just Love yourself”
  • “Just ignore it”   (Rarely works in any case)

We’ve heard several stories of the less skilled Healers, saying something like…

“You were an evil sorcerer in your past life, and this is karmic, that’s why my skills are not working”  (despite compelling evidence to the contrary)

“Just burn some sage, and you will be fine”.

“Just take a salt water bath”.

“I got rid of the entities, but you brought it back by thinking about it”  (Though the entity never left for a second).  Sometimes the healers will later agree upon by the healer the entities never left.

Please post your experiences with Healers, especially if you know of any healers that can remove the very difficult entities. 

28 thoughts on “Seeking Healers, Shaman For Spirit Attachment, Evil Spirit Removal

  1. I’ve also been to multiple different healers (at least 15), and while some of them did remove entities on me that I could feel (some earth bounds, some parasites), none of them have been able to remove a parasite that’s been latched onto my back (attaching behind my solar plexus and behind my third eye). I’ve just assumed that the healers were all on different vibrations and were seeing things on their own vibration and it was different from the other healers (ie. successive healers removed things that others previously didn’t even notice or see). Anyway I can feel this parasite clearly, I can feel when it’s moving, I have felt it partially let go a couple times but it’s still stuck there and it gives me intense headaches and pain in the middle of my back. None of the healers I’ve been to could even detect it, and I don’t know what to do. Most of the healers out there it seems are just in it for the money, I’ve even found discriminatory ‘healers’ out there (go figure).

    One of the shaman healers I went to removed a parasite living in my chest and it was intertwined with this one, and as that shaman was removing this thing in my chest, the entity on my back started withdrawing because it was also being pulled foreword, but it still managed to stay latched onto me without getting pulled out, and the shaman healer didn’t even notice any other entity present. According to the shaman I was free of entities. It didn’t really make sense to me as I thought they were on the same spiritual energy vibration seeing as it was being pulled at the same time, but it wasn’t removed.

    I really wish I could find someone that can detect and remove this parasite because I can’t handle the pain and intense pressure in my head, and I don’t know what to do (also just in case anyone out there thinks I’m being reckless here, I’ve already done every modern medical exam and according to doctors I’m fully physically healthy). Anyway, if there’s anyone out there with super awarenesses/abilities that can see/feel it on me remotely, please please remove it.

    1. Wow. My father is going through something similar he gets tormented 24 hours in a day I’ve been in this journey with him for 18 years and it’s so hard to see a love one suffer and you can’t do anything I mean he is suffering it’s like anal astral rape. It does things to people he interacts with like scare them away or sabotage many of his deals I’m a true witness I believed dAd when I seen for myself what this energy has done I wish I new what to do we did cleaning cleansing went to people that said they was the best if y’all know someone please reach out to me and my dad 816-769-9582. We have tried everything but I know we are missing something.

    2. This is a similar situation that i’m going thru. I have been to 5 diffrent practitioners and every one failed… Did someone help you with your problem? If so i would appreciate if you can share a name.

  2. Hello,

    Do you know of any reputable healers, preferably in the NYC, Long Island or tristate area? I don’t know who to trust on line.

    Thank you,

    1. October 12, 2019 at 5:23 pm

      I don’t know anyone specifically in that area. Perhaps someone else here knows someone good around there.

  3. Hi everyone. Same problem here. I first got this entity attachment in June 2012. The symptoms started with my feet tingling and vibrating and then those symptoms moved upward to the rest of the body. Unfortunately I have lost thousands of dollars, $20,000 dollars at least trying to remove these parasite entities. It is very unfortunate and bad that 99% percent of psychics, energy healers, entity removal people and exorcists failed to even detect this entity, let alone successfully remove it. From my research and experience of getting entity removal and energy healing since 2013, I have recently found out that these are not normal, typical demons, dark force entities but rather etheric, astral, elemental and other dimensional beings. To me they seem like a vampire parasite entities because they steal my energy, they drain my energy and they also make me bleed. I feel this invisible thing scratching my neck hairline. This causes pimple and bleeding. Every few days, I see the bloodstains on my pillow. This entity has been doing this for the last 8 months now.

    Unfortunately I am suffering from a parasite demon, spirit entity. This invisible parasite entity makes me bleed by scratching the back of my head, neck hairline area. Unfortunately I spent and lost a lot of money on medications and energy healings to remove this parasite but this is a external, energetic and spiritual parasite like an entity, demon etc.

    1. Sorry for your experience, I don’t think it’s quite the same thing.

      Have you been to the doctor for medical tests? sounds more like an allergy – skin condition.

  4. Hi it’s now 2023.
    Nearly 7yrs living with the sensations feeling parts of these and some of the other types of parasites in certain areas of my body. Over time I have been able to make out more of the shapes of the tentacles. They definitely exist all be it out of sight to me and I can confirm that the tentacles can range in size.
    I wanted to update you I am no longer using the email address I posted in 2020.
    I personally don’t think the tentacled entity or any of the other astral parasites are ‘evil’ but it is like torture feeling the sensations of them moving around. I would certainly like to not have them in my body!.
    Can anyone else feel them? I’m not holding much hope but has anyone had any luck with permanent removal?
    If you would like to get in contact I set up a new email: [email protected].
    I would be interested to make contact with folk having a similar experience.
    I haven’t been to anymore healers the last few years. I gave up looking.

  5. i havebeen in same situation, i believe something is living inside me and its blocking all my blessings
    no one has been able to detach it from my body , one 2-3 healers did that i felt so much good but after some time again same issue.

  6. In need of help with negative entity removal. I am clairaudient and got hooked by this entity when my defences were down. Tried everything to get rid of him. Anyone know of any heavy weight removal guy who can help me?

    1. I know a pakistani healer who can do first a free check up on you ( you need to send your recent photo.
      he can do daily cleansing for a small fee.
      Let me know if you are interested.
      Best regards

  7. Hello Ana
    I know a pakistani healer ,
    He does speak little English.
    You can do for free a check up and you can go from there.
    He does a daily cleansing for a monthly fee ,not to expensive.
    Best regards

  8. I am a Shaman, ive been called into the fight using both spirit and tech to get rid of entity’s, everything is different now, healers using only spirit cannot get rid of these things, mostly because of the frequency of the planet is getting closer to what they are use to in the astral.

    1. Hi D!

      I am in desperate need of a clearing. I think 2 entities or more are attached to both myself and potentially my computer.
      I\’ve been suffering with this for the last 3 going on 4 years.
      Whenever I use my computer I hear a loud thud in the ceiling of any room I put it in. The computer is completely new. This also happens if I use a computer that isn\’t mine in whichever room I sleep in.
      Besides my computer, I also experience my hair being pulled tight (I tend to keep my hair braided), feel suffocated when I lie down to sleep, have experienced a wave of negative energy pass through me causing intense sleep paralysis, feel like someone is watching me everywhere I go (especially when going to the bathroom or changing my clothes), and smell a drug smell very often that makes me feel sick.
      I constantly see a white fog mist shape moving around rooms, and a darker see through human shape moving around my home. Every day I experience the feeling of every part of my body buzzing for lack of a better term. I spray myself with the ocean water when this happens, but I have noticed it is not as effective as when I started doing this about 6 months ago.
      I have tried everything to clear these away. From Palo Santo, white sage, burning Frankincense sap/incense, Holy water, playing the miracle tone at 528Hz at night every night, and the only thing that is providing a bit of relief salt water from the ocean.

      I would really and sincerely appreciate you and anyone else reading this sending me an email please! I am in Pensacola, Fl if anyone does in person clearings!
      Email: [email protected]

  9. Does anyone know any shamans or someone who can exorcise and rid these things I have for good? I read everyone’s experience, and it’s all incredibly similar to what I’m going through.

    I’ve been a pagan for 2.5 years, my ex who is a necromancer of 20+ years introduced me to this avenue – my practice was pretty basic, I never dealt with entities or trickster spirits entering my space until I left my ex’s place. 
The entities I have dealt with were incredibly clever, to the point where they have mimicked Gods perfectly to me and astral projected me against my will (one as the Egyptian goddess Isis), another entity pretended to be the Dacian Draco (whom I do worship) and tricked me into a blood pact – I was able to get out of that with the assistance of my main goddess at the time – Morrigan the Celtic goddess.

    The parasitic entities I have become more volatile and hostile, and started not only trying to channel through me, but they assimilated to my energy to started creating literal facets of me…fakes of me my astral body etc. and started channeling this fake mimicked energy and facets of my personality into me – these made for some serious illusions as well, as anyone who tried to get through and help – were blocked or would end up working on a fake decoy of me and not my actual self. 

They “pushed me out” on numerous occasions to where I was not aware of myself – essentially my consciousness or third eye/perception was in one place and my astral body in another – I’m being channeled and torn apart at the seams (I realize some of these sound like symptoms of psychosis or capcra syndrome – I want to be clear that I do see a therapist regularly, have spoken to two psychiatrists and a neurologist.)

    A couple nights ago…I had a dream I saw this…brown slithering thing…no emotion or sense…it was sentient but…nothing else…Swimming around with a golden bead, and when i saw it…I either knew it was my core self, or a mimic of it, and I woke up screaming and crying because….I don’t know what’s going on

Someone is literally tearing my existence apart at the seams…I feel like a construct of many constructs of myself. I realize what I’m saying may not sound correct in terms of idk, vocabulary, but I’m just telling you what it feels like to me…

It was also confirmed to me by a couple experienced practitioners or so that a curse was still lingering from the two girls I ended my friendship with – a very high level curse of binding that these things may be controlled by, or feeding off of – and that the curse does indeed block me from all magical abilities/most use of my third eye unless it’s torturous.
    It was recently suggested to me by my ex and another experienced practitioner, that I may have contracted a spiritual sickness – but they specified it’s not *my* sickness. Moreso that these parasitic entities I have are causing the sickness and all the symptoms I have been getting – plus manifesting attacks.
    *It’s also possible that this sickness may be a result of a contracted sexual std from a non-deity a while ago. I may have a hive (or multiple) of either entities or parasitic entities, and the way to stop them from affecting me and others is by killing their queen(s) – and I am hosting the hive so to speak.
    * * The problem is that these beings are incredibly clever, they adapt to everything that happens – the narrative changes, the source of the problem changes, and every time it’s a plausible different thing – either it’s a curse or it’s a vengeful being, or it’s someone coming after my power and potential/fate – the situation keeps changing.

    If ANYONE knows a shaman or a healer who can assist and do in person exorcisms too – willing to travel _ i can help cover expenses, please let me know – [email protected]

  10. I’ve been a pagan for 2.5 years, my ex who is a necromancer of 20+ years introduced me to this avenue – my practice was pretty basic, I never dealt with entities or trickster spirits entering my space until I left my ex’s place.
    The entities I have dealt with were incredibly clever, to the point where they have mimicked Gods perfectly to me and astral projected me against my will (one as the Egyptian goddess Isis), another entity pretended to be the Dacian Draco (whom I do worship) and tricked me into a blood pact – I was able to get out of that with the assistance of my main goddess at the time – Morrigan the Celtic goddesss.

    – [ ] The parasitic entities I have become more volatile and hostile, and started not only trying to channel through me, but they assimilated to my energy to started creating literal facets of me…fakes of me my astral body etc. and started channeling this fake mimicked energy and facets of my personality into me – these made for some serious illusions as well, as anyone who tried to get through and help – were blocked or would end up working on a fake decoy of me and not my actual self. 

They “pushed me out” on numerous occasions to where I was not aware of myself – essentially my consciousness or third eye/perception was in one place and my astral body in another – I’m being channeled and torn apart at the seams (I realize some of these sound like symptoms of psychosis or capcra syndrome – I want to be clear that I do see a therapist regularly, have spoken to two psychiatrists and a neurologist.)


A couple nights ago…I had a dream I saw this…brown slithering thing…no emotion or sense…it was sentient but…nothing else…Swimming around with a golden bead, and when i saw it…I either knew it was my core self, or a mimic of it, and I woke up screaming and crying because….I don’t know what’s going on

Someone is literally tearing my existence apart at the seams…I feel like a construct of many constructs of myself. I realize what I’m saying may not sound correct in terms of idk, vocabulary, but I’m just telling you what it feels like to me…

It was also confirmed to me by a couple experienced practitioners or so that a curse was still lingering from the two girls I ended my friendship with – a very high level curse of binding that these things may be controlled by, or feeding off of – and that the curse does indeed block me from all magical abilities/most use of my third eye unless it’s torturous.
    It was recently suggested to me by my ex and another experienced practitioner, that I may have contracted a spiritual sickness – but they specified it’s not *my* sickness. Moreso that these parasitic entities I have are causing the sickness and all the symptoms I have been getting – plus manifesting attacks.
    *It’s also possible that this sickness may be a result of a contracted sexual std from a non-deity a while ago (I don’t know if that means I never ever had deities in my space to begin with, and that I have only been dealing with egregores – or if I indeed did contract something from a different being that did end up raping me) – I may have a hive (or multiple) of either entities or parasitic entities, and the way to stop them from affecting me and others is by killing their queen(s) – and I am hosting the hive so to speak.
    * * The problem is that these beings are incredibly clever, they adapt to everything that happens – the narrative changes, the source of the problem changes, and every time it’s a plausible different thing – either it’s a curse or it’s a vengeful being, or it’s someone coming after my power and potential/fate – the situation keeps changing.
It was suggested to me that an exorcism may also be in order as they can expel everything going on.

    If anyone has any information on a shaman willing to do in person exorcisms or travel, please let me know.
    I am in Cluj Romania.

    Thank you.

    Email: [email protected]

  11. Hello I’m in need of a healer that can remove large entities I’ve been suffering for a few months now its on my back and possibly attached to my feet also I really need help is there anyone who knows a really good healer/ Shaman I had someone remove it but not the cords so it came right back a lot of times entities can hide out of plain site so they won’t be detected but it’s because the entity can hear your thoughts so it knows its leaving..a lot of healers let me know they are checking my energy and never see the one on my back as it’s most probably hiding I really need help I’ve tried looking but no luck seems to be taking me to all the wrong healers

  12. Hello I’m in need of a healer that can remove large entities I’ve been suffering for a few months now its on my back and possibly attached to my feet also I really need help is there anyone who knows a really good healer/ Shaman I had someone remove it but not the cords so it came right back a lot of times entities can hide out of plain site so they won’t be detected but it’s because the entity can hear your thoughts so it knows its leaving..a lot of healers let me know they are checking my energy and never see the one on my back as it’s most probably hiding I really need help I’ve tried looking but no luck seems to be taking me to all the wrong healers

  13. I’ve been dealing with this for almost five years and after recently learning what they are I’ve been attacked. It started out with mild buzzing in my stomach and after attempting to take something to chelate, it spread and got worse. I left it alone for many years until this summer when I started digging. It really got out of control and I had to be hospitalized. It started with a dream of me waking up and saying “I DO NOT CONSENT”. I then started having disturbing thoughts about battling something for my will. Like one poster above, it seemed to be mimicking my voice and creating copies of me trying to get me to consent to something dark. Every time I try to remove it..it goes deeper. It hits on fears and traumas and weaknesses. I feel it on my temples and around my head. One healer picked up on it and briefly turned it off but it came back on again. When I asked him to look into it again..he didn’t see it anymore. Enochian angel magick can help with this. It seems to be able to make me feel love in my nervous system..almost like it’s feeding on my hope that things will be okay. It can also cause nerve pain. The obsessive thoughts are horrible and this is soul torture on so many levels and I’m hoping that it can be removed in the future. If anyone out there can help me soon please let me know. I’m just a human trying to save their soul.

  14. Hi everyone,

    I am going to be brief and eventually follow up with a longer post sometime in the future.

    From my experience so far, the squid is not the main thing to focus on as it is the result not the cause.

    You have more than likely allowed them in somehow, either an addiction, vow, or some other way. Stop and close that door.

    Probably energetically the main reason that it attaches is somehow your aura/chakra system got weakened and now has holes and tears in it that they can attach to. If you don’t close the holes and tears in your aura you cannot remove them. They still will have something to attach to.

    Find a healer who heals auras and chakras. (probably Chios Energy Healing is a good start) (using tuning forks in conjunction works too to clean the aura)

    For severe cases the healer may not be able to heal all of it right away. You may need several sessions and may even need to learn some of it to do on yourself also.

    Remember there are many layers to the aura, if you don’t look at all of them you may not get a full healing and the problem will still linger.

    Good luck to all.

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