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The word Exorcism conjurers up (no pun intended, but that is kind of funny) some pretty strong imagery.

Exorcism means ‘binding by oath’, in the original Greek word exorkismósBinding by an oath is one of the methods used to banish them.

Exorcism is the best known term for removing evil spirits, spirit attachment removal, etc, in the modern age.  Thanks to movies.  All cultures have their ways of doing clearings or exorcisms, and there many different names for it.

Historically, in an tribe, village or city, after the leader, the people who do the clearings are the most important.

Exorcism itself, most commonly refers to the Catholic method.  But its sometimes used to name any method or systems for how to remove evil spirits.  For any religion or non-religious method.

It doesn’t appear to have a high success rate, but it can work.

Right now, about a million people a month search for Exorcism, demonic possession, evil spirits, how to get rid of evil spirits and so on.  And its increasing for a few different reasons, which I can elaborate on later.

Its important to say, I don’t think that demons in the conventional sense exist.  But there are definitely spirits that play those roles.  I’ve been to a lot of different kind of clearings, including exorcisms.  I’ve seen a lot a crazy stuff.

However, when the spirits were processed, or when you are able to see through the projection, most attachments were regular people.  Or humanoids.

Some were obviously controlled and trained by some other spirits.  In one serious case, they all had the same black energy, evil presence, moved in formation.

Its common for even regular negative entities to form themselves into something monstrous or whatever is scary to the local culture.  With varying degrees of skill or abilities.

Some can put on quite a show.  Speak in old languages, pin people to the wall, create false energy smells.

Far less known, is some do this in the other direction.  Presenting themselves as whatever a culture says are “higher” or “helpful beings”.  With (false) good feelings, a light show, the whole thing.

Like a lot of things, this is often done by these spirits to reinforce a false belief  some spirits want a person to have.  To confirm for them the religion they are in is the right one, or the wrong one.  For a while at least. That’s a whole ‘nother topic in itself.

Regardless of how they present, look, sound, feel or smell, they are real.  Most are hidden and cause most the world’s problems.  Don’t be afraid of them, or be overwhelmed with wonderment.  They need to be removed and they need to be protected from.

Understanding that, What Exactly is Exorcism From the Conventional View?

Technically, the word Exorcism is used for the version of Spirit Attachment Removal used by churches.  However, its is sometimes used for any type of negative entity removal.  For this article we use it interchangeable, but with more focus on the Christian version.

At its core, exorcism is about casting out unwanted spiritual entities from a person, place, or thing.  Like a spiritual deep-cleaning.

The church view is that negative spirits enter the body; hence the idea of casting them evil spirits.  This is rare, since normally they attach to the outside of person.  Though it can definitely feel like they are inside you when affecting you on the outside.

The phrase “what’s gotten into you?“, is a direct reference to spirit possession.

Exorcism is a rich part of human history and lore.  Every culture and religion, has its own version of the practice.   Some more accurate and effective than others.  The fact that so many methods are the same or similar amount cultures that have no connection, and are 40,000 years apart, says a lot about the universal problem.

In its simplest form, exorcism is the act of driving out a demon or evil spirit from a person or place. People often think of exorcism as a religious ceremony, but it can be a much more personal and varied practice. Different cultures and belief systems have their own versions of exorcism. Some view it as a powerful and necessary ritual, while others see it as a metaphorical way to cleanse negative energy or psychological burdens.

A Peek into History of Exorcism

Historically, exorcisms have been linked to religious rituals. Ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks all had their own methods for dealing with pesky spirits. Fast forward to medieval Europe, and exorcisms became more structured, often tied to the Church and performed by priests. These rituals were serious business – elaborate ceremonies filled with prayers, holy water, and a lot of faith.

In ancient times, exorcism was a part of everyday life. The ancient Egyptians, for example, used rituals and amulets to ward off evil spirits. The Babylonians had a god of exorcism, Marduk, who was called upon to drive out demons. The Greeks had their own rituals, often involving prayers and offerings to the gods.

Medieval Europe saw the rise of the formal exorcism rites, often carried out by the Catholic Church. These exorcisms were elaborate affairs, involving numerous prayers, blessings, and the use of holy water. The Rituale Romanum, a manual of rites, included detailed instructions on how to perform an exorcism, emphasizing the importance of faith and purity in the exorcist.

history of exorcism


The Modern-Day Exorcist

Today’s exorcists come in all shapes and sizes. Some are ordained clergy, following strict religious protocols, while others might be spiritual healers or shamanic practitioners. What unites them is the belief that they can help individuals or places rid themselves of negative entities.

Modern exorcists often combine traditional religious practices with contemporary understandings of psychology and spirituality. Some are priests or ministers trained in the rites of their faith, while others might be spiritual healers who use a blend of rituals and therapeutic techniques. There are also shamans and energy workers who approach exorcism from a more holistic perspective, seeing it as a way to restore balance and harmony to a person’s life.

Regardless of their background, modern exorcists share a common goal: to help people find peace and healing. They often work closely with their clients, taking the time to understand their experiences and tailor the exorcism to their specific needs. This personalized approach helps to ensure that the exorcism is as effective and meaningful as possible.

Why Do People Seek Exorcisms?

People turn to exorcisms for a variety of reasons. Some feel they are plagued by bad luck or negative energy that nothing else seems to fix. Others might experience unexplained physical or mental symptoms, and they know or suspect a spiritual cause is at play. Regardless of the reason, the goal is the same: to find peace and reclaim control over their lives.

Many people who seek exorcisms are looking for a way to deal with persistent feelings of negativity or unease. They might feel that they are cursed or haunted, or they might believe that they are being influenced by malevolent forces. For these individuals, an exorcism can be a way to regain a sense of control and agency in their lives.

Others seek exorcisms for more specific reasons. They might be experiencing physical symptoms, such as unexplained pains or illnesses, that they believe are caused by a spiritual entity. They might also be dealing with psychological issues, such as depression, anxiety, or intrusive thoughts, that they feel have a spiritual origin.

In these cases, the exorcism serves as a form of spiritual healing, addressing the underlying issues in a way that traditional medical or psychological treatments might not be able to. The exorcist works with the individual to identify the source of their distress and to develop a plan for addressing it.

Evil Spirits and How to Remove Them

For more detailed information, read this page on exorcism, and visit this page on entity removal with technology.  Aka, an exorcism machine.

The rest of this page is more for general on historic information.

Evil spirits, often referred to as malevolent entities, can cause harm, misfortune, and emotional distress. They feed on negative energy and can attach themselves to individuals, homes, or objects. These spirits can be disruptive and destructive, leading to a range of issues from bad luck to severe psychological disturbances.

Removing evil spirits involves a combination of energy healing methods, entity removal machines and personal empowerment. The first step is often recognizing the presence of an evil spirit. Signs might include sudden changes in behavior, unexplained illnesses, persistent negative thoughts, and a general sense of dread or unease. Once identified, the next step is to remove the spirit through a process often involving cleansing rituals, protective measures, and ongoing spiritual practices.

  1. Cleansing Rituals: These can include smudging with sage, sprinkling holy water, or using salt to purify a space. The goal is to create an environment that is hostile to negative entities.
  2. Protective Measures: Wearing protective amulets, placing blessed objects around the home, and reciting protective prayers can help shield against future attacks.
  3. Personal Empowerment: Strengthening one’s spiritual and mental resilience through meditation, prayer, and positive affirmations can help repel evil spirits.

Demonic Possession and How to Get Rid of Evil Spirits

Demonic possession is a severe form of spiritual affliction where an evil spirit takes control of a person’s body and mind. Signs of possession can include drastic personality changes, violent behavior, speaking in unknown languages, and displaying superhuman strength. These cases often require immediate and intense spiritual intervention.

Exorcists, trained in recognizing and dealing with demonic possession, follow a rigorous process to free individuals from these powerful entities. The process involves several stages:

  1. Assessment: The exorcist conducts a thorough examination to confirm possession. This includes interviews, observing behavior, and sometimes collaborating with medical professionals.
  2. Preparation: Both the exorcist and the possessed individual prepare for the exorcism. This might include fasting, prayer, and spiritual cleansing.
  3. The Exorcism Ritual: The ritual varies depending on religious and cultural practices but generally involves prayers, commands directed at the demon, and the use of sacred objects like crosses, holy water, or relics.
  4. Aftercare: Post-exorcism, the individual receives ongoing spiritual support to prevent re-possession. This can include regular prayer, attending religious services, and counseling.

The Exorcism Process: What Actually Happens?

  1. Assessment: The first step is usually an assessment to determine whether an exorcism is necessary. This might involve interviews, observations, and sometimes even medical evaluations to rule out physical or psychological conditions.
  2. Preparation: If an exorcism is deemed necessary, both the exorcist and the person seeking help prepare mentally and spiritually. This can involve fasting, prayer, or other rituals.
  3. The Ritual: The exorcism itself varies widely depending on cultural and religious traditions. It can involve prayers, chants, use of holy water, and other sacred objects. The focus is on creating a safe, sacred space where healing can occur.
  4. Aftercare: Post-exorcism, aftercare is crucial. This might involve ongoing spiritual support, counseling, or therapy to help the person integrate the experience and ensure lasting peace.

A Closer Look at the Rituals

Exorcism rituals can vary widely depending on the exorcist’s background and the individual’s needs. Some rituals are simple and straightforward, involving a few prayers and the use of holy water. Others are more elaborate, involving a series of prayers, blessings, and symbolic actions.

The key to a successful exorcism is creating a safe and sacred space where the individual feels supported and protected. This often involves the use of sacred objects, such as crosses, candles, or amulets, as well as the recitation of prayers or chants. The exorcist might also use physical actions, such as laying on of hands or sprinkling holy water, to help drive out the negative entity.

Throughout the ritual, the exorcist works closely with the individual, offering reassurance and support.